Barn Conversions

Are you looking for a builder that specialises in Barn Conversions?

Trafalgar projects Ltd specialise in the restoration of barns and outhouses for customers that want to add historic charm to their estate.

Why convert your barn?

Converting a barn or outhouse is a great investment when wanting to add value to an estate or home as it allows our team to create big, open plan spaces within the property and usually over numerous levels.

We also find that working with a set structure, old timber beams and quirky features allow our team to bring out the historic character which always adds a visually stunning result.

Barn Conversion
Click the images below to see more of our Barn Conversion Projects

Are you ready to plan your Barn Conversion?

We have a total management option that will see our team take charge of the design, planning and surveys process which allows you to sit back and watch your dream project unfold.

It all starts with a simple enquiry. If you have a barn or old structure on your land that requires restoration please contact us today.

Contact Us for a Free Quote

Trafalgar Projects
Trafalgar Projects

Crosby Barn Workshop





Trafalgar Contractors
Trafalgar Contracting

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